Exhibition by the artist group VERSUS
Officinet, Copenhagen / Spanien 19C, Aarhus / The Biennale for Craft and Design, Carlsberg Copenhagen
VERSUS: Ane Fabricius Christiansen, Camille Rishøj Nielsen, Lea Mi Engholm, Mariko Wada and Sissel Wathne
Compared to a gender-based, post-feminist artistic impulse, with ‘she’ VERSUS has created an artwork which transposes the focus from ’meaning/message’ to ’experience’. Conscious- ness is awakened in us, not outside of us; it is in our body- mind not in our cognitive mind. This highlights the potential of VERSUS originating from ceramics. As a raw, malleable, physical material directly connected to the earth; to matter, Mater, Mother, clay is a material that furthers a bodily cognition through its viscerality. Hereby the spectator is invited to open unknown spaces within, where non-verbal consciousness resides.
Dr. Louise Mazanti, Ph.D in contemporary craft theory. (From the book she.)
The exhibition and the book she produced with support from: The Danish Arts Foundation / Danish Crafts / City of Aarhus / L. F. Fights Fond

Photo: Ole Akhøj